Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Unique Places and Product Differentiation for Leverage City Marketing

Architectural Uniqueness and Product Differentiation of Heritage Area are Marketing Tools and Driving Forces of People Interest to the City
[full paper sent to City Marketing Seminar at unika soegijapranata university year 2007]

by: Agus S Sadana

Experiences, events and places or resorts/objects are the underlying scope of marketing. Architectural uniqueness combined with attractive tourism resorts/objects will impart an impressive experience in individual’s mind during his or her presence in a location. Such architectural uniqueness with a variety of events and distinctive products will satisfy visitor’s soul thirst through unforgettable stories and experiences during his or her visit to the city. With regard to tourism study, motivation to learn a culture including curiosity on a culture, tradition, art and other cultural relics is one’s rationale to visit a tourism object/resort. This paper is presented to describe correlation between architectural uniqueness, product differentiation, events, and experiences of someone during his or her visit to a heritage area and inducement of people interest to the city. In addition, culture-based organization and management will ensure sustainable activities in the heritage area and will, in turn, give multiplier effect on the local economic development.

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Consumer Behavior in Airlines Services

(application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to the airlines passenger services)

Presented in the Indonesian Business Management Conference (IBMC)
Jakarta, January 26-27, 2005
held by Prasetiya Mulya Business School

by: Agus S Sadana


This study based on consumer behavior, and examines the application of Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior on the behavior of airlines’ passengers. The investigation was focused on the relationship of three factors of planned behavior: attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control with intention to use of airlines’ consumers travelling from Jakarta for foreign travel.

Previous research found that consumers’ attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control have a significant relationship and effect on their intention to use the rail transportation services, and the beta coefficient of perceived behavioral control variable has been majoring effect among the variables, the second is subjective norms, and the lowest effect is in attitude toward behavior variable.

Findings of this study (application in international airlines’s passengers) also indicated that consumers’ attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control have significant relationship and significant effect, toward the intention to use of airlines services passengers’.

For the first time (2002), this study analyzed with regression analysis using SPSS 10.0 computer program, and later in 2004, it revised again with SEM using Lisrel 8.50 computer program. Different with previous study, this research found that the ‘attitude toward behavior’ has the biggest relationship and effect (r=0.592, B=0.395 with regression or 0,36 with SEM) among the variables, the second is ‘perceived behavioral control’ (r=0.502, B=0.210 with regression or 0,22 with SEM), and the lowest is subjective norms (r= 0.499, B=0.207 with regression or 0,24 with SEM).

please contact the author at: agussadana@gmail.com for other information

Marketing Communication in Airlines

The Relationship of ‘Marketing Communication Plaforms’
with the Consumers Intention's in Choosing Airlines
in the Era of Airlines Services Competition

by: Agus S Sadana

Summary of Research
Dalam ketatnya persaingan memperebutkan konsumen jasa penerbangan pada jalur domestik di Indonesia, selain masalah kualitas jasa, cara berkomunikasi melalui marketing communication dipandang sebagai faktor yang penting bagi maskapai penerbangan. Penelitian yang mengacu kepada faktor-faktor penting marketing communication ini mempelajari hubungan antara: (a) tayangan iklan, (b) brosur, bookles, leflet, dan poster, (c) tampilan simbol dan logo maskapai, (d) kegiatan public relation dan sponsorship, (e) adanya pameran dan pembagian cenderamata, (f) undian berhadiah, (g) tarif diskon atau harga tiket yang kompetitif, serta (h) tawaran program paket perjalanan dan liburan dengan menggunakan maskapai penerbangan tertentu dengan minat atau intention to use masyarakat calon konsumen jasa penerbangan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor: (a) tayangan iklan di berbagai media, (b) kegiatan sponsorship, pameran dan pembagian cenderamata, (c) undian berhadiah, serta (d) tarif diskon atau harga tiket yang kompetitif, merupakan faktor-faktor yang signifikan hubungannya dengan minat atau intention to use masyarakat calon konsumen, dengan nilai rata-rata sikap di atas 3,5 atau hanya mendekati skala 4 pada skala 1 sampai dengan 5. Pada faktor-faktor yang signifikanpun sikap masyarakat yang diwakili oleh responden belum sepenuhnya yakin pada minatnya. Sementara beberapa faktor lainnya yang tidak signifikan menunjukkan rata-rata nilai sikap di bawah 3,5 dan mendekati angka 3. Pada faktor-faktor ini sikap masyarakat yang diwakili oleh responden cenderung biasa saja, atau bisa dikatakan sebagai sikap yang kurang perhatian. Artinya secara umum maskapai penerbangan masih perlu menyeimbangkan antara janji yang disampaikan melalui marketing communication dengan realisasinya yang beritanya akan cepat menyebar melalui berbagai media.

keyword: marketing communication, airlines services.

Perbankan Syariah dan Usaha Kecil Mikro

paper – submitted to
Paper Competition of Syariah Banking – held by Bank BNI Syariah,
Republika Newspaper, and Majalah Modal

by: Agus S Sadana


Krisis yang melanda bangsa Indonesia telah meluluh lantakkan segala sendi-sendi kehidupan termasuk juga sektor perbankan yang juga di pandang sebagai salah satu pemicunya, yaitu dengan disalurkannya kredit-kredit yang salah sasaran. Krisis membuktikan bahwa usaha kecil menengah yang jumlah sangat banyak mampu bertahan menghadapi krisis tersebut secara mandiri. Disaat perekonomian kini mulai menunjukkkan geliat untuk bangkit kembali, usaha kecil menengah nampaknya seolah kembali terlupakan, terutama lagi dengan banyak masuk dan beroperasinya usaha asing – termasuk perbankan asing pasca periode penjualan aset-aset perbankan nasional. Perbankan syariah yang telah dirintis sejak tahun 1992 nampaknya kini dapat menjadi harapan baru bagi pengembangan usaha kecil menengah, khususnya dalam pengadaan modal kerja.

for any further information please send your email to: agussadana@@gmail.com

other info:
Sub Theme:
Peranan Bank Syariah dalam Memajukan Sektor Riil